Friday, December 10, 2010

Schools, No Money, UGH.

In my class mates article, "Cutting Funding for Profit Schools" I think they made some good points that I'd like to further discuss.
Let's be honest our country is obviously in a financial crisis. People who have never had to struggle are struggling, those who have always struggled and having to fight even harder to keep their heads afloat, and yet the costs to attend a higher education facility just keep on growing. Even I personally have known friends who have not attended school because the funds they need are just not availiable. Smart, honest, well rounded individuals who are held back not because the didn't apply, or because they didn't make the grade but because economic hardships have held them back, labeled them, and are now determining their future.
Now this whole matter "for profit", getting aid, and accrediation of the school. If students want to be there, if teachers want to teach their, what is the problem? The government is cutting funds for personal student loans, and is squashing the thought of possible alternatives that could be more affordable. What are we supossed to do? Give up?
It seems as though people who do not have the means, or are not lucky enough to be awarded the amount of financial aid they need are forced to forefit a higher education. We need to do something, and I'm thinking its time for the government to be more open to other possibilites whether its a school for profit or not.