Thursday, September 16, 2010

U.S. Retirement: Where will we be when we're 65?

"According to the latest retirement income data, half of 65-and-older households have an annual income of less than $29,744 -- about half the median income of younger households", says Laura Basset writer for the Huffington Post. Its scary to think that people my age are making more than their grandparents. Pension plans are being abolished, and seniors retirment wages are being put into the hands of our "wonderful companies" who can lower or raise retirment funds as they please, and I have a feeling they aren't going to want to part with their precious dollars when we're sixty and need money to survive. I think the article 'US Retirement Deficit Reaches 6.6 Trillion: 'God Help the Poor GenXers' is an article worth reading- we need to realize before its too late the steps we need to take to be covered for when its our time to retire. Coming up this generation of youth will start life long careers, they will sign contracts binding them to certain retirment contracts that could leave them suffering in the end. We need to be aware of our employers retirment fund policies and be prepared that we might need to have a plan b.  On top of companies having control of our retirment funds Congress is considering compromising Social Security, how will the elderly be expected to survive? What is going to happen when its our  turn to retire? Will we have something? We all need to consider our futures, even if it seems far away because our economy is in trouble and before we know it we can be the sixty five year old who is having to still work despite our age, or any medical problems we may face.

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