Friday, October 15, 2010

Waiting for Superman to Reform Education? He's Already Here.


     The economy, water pollution, discrimination, poverty, unemployment, energy, climate change, healthcare, national security, and pandemics- all of these problems can begin to be resolved if one of Americas biggest problems can be put under control and advanced- EDUCATION. James W. Gurthie writer for the Christian Science Monitor quotes the movie "Waiting for Superman"in his article,'Waiting for Superman' to reform education? He's already here", In America right now, a high school students drops out of school every 26 seconds. That’s...1.2 million a year. These drop-outs are 8 times more likely to go to prison, 50% less likely to vote, more likely to need social welfare assistance, not eligible for 90% of jobs, are being paid 40 cents to the dollar of earned by a college graduate, and continuing the cycle of poverty.” You, and I, our neighbors, and theirs can all come together and change these odds.  Gurthie is writing to you, me, Americas teachers, voters, writers, politicians, and all citizens. Education is something that in some way can benefit each and every single one of us. Its something no one can ever take away from you, or me once we have it. Its our spring board to many of our dreams.
    In his writing Gurthie talks about the movie "Waiting for Superman" directed by Davis Guggenheim. After reading this article I decided before I would write this blog I would go see this movie, and I did. Its only playing in a few places in Austin right now;, A couple of the  Alamo Drafthouse locations and Regal Arbor Cinema 8 in Great Hills. It was absolutley inspiring, and quite a beautiful film. I think it is definetly worth seeing. I don't want to give too much away, but it follows five students all of whom have different realms of struggles due to the flaws in Americas educational system. "Those five students are the stories behind the statistics.  Their parents desperately want a good education for their children, but their hands are tied by the systems shortcomings- which Mr. Guggenheim exposes."  
     To get the results we as Americans deserve in our educational system we must keep up with the public pressure, and band together to make a statement. Parents must continue to demand better results, and must continue to fight for what their children deserve. Parent involvement is the key ingredient to the push in a better education for our children. Education system improvements is something even all political parties can agree on. "The Bush administration joined both parties in Congress in 2001 to enact No Child Left Behind Act. This legislation provided an important accountability platform. The Obama administration’s Race to the Top initiative uses a different vocabulary, but is pursuing a similar reform logic, and has been willing to use political persuasion and financial incentives to muscle recalcitrant states into line with reform." Although both of these reforms do have rough patches, they have a starting point and both agree that students deserve the best education possible.
We must pressure our systems, and spread awareness near and far.
     Americas educational system is failing our students- its time for us to stand up and demand for our youth, and our future what they deserve. Because this countries future is on their shoulders, and if we don't give them the knowledge they need to form a solid foundation, our country is going to crumble and we will have no hope for conquering other issues such as, the economy, water pollution, discrimination, poverty, unemployment, energy, climate change, healthcare, national security, and pandemics. Without education where would we even be able to begin? We together must band together for our future, our children and change the face of education.
Make a Difference. Go see 'Waiting for Superman' 

Sources: Guthrie, James "Waiting for Superman, He's Already Here.", 29, Sept.,2010- The Christian Science Monitor

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